Video-Vorlesungen auf Deutsch
- Kuenstliche Kristalle: Vom Computerchip zur Spielwiese der Quantenmechanik, 15.03.2010
Wegscheider, Werner (ETH Zürich)
- Verschraenkung der Physiker, 05.03.2008
Renato Renner (ETH Zürich)
Video-Vorlesungen auf Englisch
- Fault Tolerant Quantum Computation II [2007]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- From Einstein to Quantum Information
Anton Zeilinger (Perimeter Institute)
- Harnessing the Quantum World
Raymond Laflamme - University of Waterloo/IQC (Perimeter Institute)
- Introduction to Quantum Information and Computation from a Foundational Standpoint [2006]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- Osamu Hirota, a True Quantum Communication Channel [2008]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- Photos, Qubits and Computers - A Quantum Mechanic's Lab on a Chip, 26.04.2007
Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zürich)
- Programming the Universe
Seth Lloyd - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) (Perimeter Institute)
- QCRYPT 2011: First Annual Conference on Quantum Cryptography
(ETH Zürich)
- QIP 2010 - Quantum Information Processing
(ETH Zürich)
- Quantum Cryptography: A Tale of Secrets Hidden and Revealed Through the Laws of Physics
Daniel Gottesman - Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics (Perimeter Institute)
- Quantum Discussions
(Perimeter Institute-Series; select term and year!)
- Quantum Error Correction Course 2007
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- Quantum Estimation: Theory and Practice [2008]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- Quantum Information and Foundations of Thermodynamics (2011)
(ETH Zürich)
- Quantum Information and Graph Theory: Emerging Connections [2008]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- Quantum Information Theory
(Perimeter Institute-Series; select term and year!)
- Quantum Information, Computation and Logic: Exploring New Connections [2005]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- Seeking SICs: A Workshop on Quantum Frames and Designs [2008]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- The Fourth Annual Canadian Quantum Information Students' Conference [2007]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- The Physics of Information: From Entanglement to Black Holes
Leonard Susskind - Stanford University, Sir Anthony Leggett, Christopher Fuchs, Seth Lloyd - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Bob McDonald - Quirks and Quarks (CBC Radio One) (Perimeter Institute)
- Turning an Enemy into a Friend - Quantum Computation and Decoherence, 01.03.2011
Home, Jonathan (ETH Zürich)
- Verschlüsseln mit Verschränkung, 22.02.2011
Christandl, Matthias (ETH Zürich)
- When Matter Meets Information: Entangling the Frontiers of Condensed Matter and Quantum Information [2007]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
- Workshop on Reference Frames and Superselection Rules in Quantum Information Theory [2004]
(Perimeter Institute Collection)
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